What to do if a prospect is ghosting you

What to do if a prospect is ghosting you.

Prospects ghosting you is a common issue these days.

  • Are they too busy?
  • Have they sorted their issue and are simply being rude?
  • Have they just not made their mind up yet?

How many times do you chase up without the fear of being a stalker?  When do you stop?

If you have your sales process nailed down and you follow it, it should limit the ghosting, but it still happens.

I send a divorce email…

Sending a “We need a divorce” email to a prospect who is ghosting you can be an effective strategy for several reasons:

  1. Closure and clarity – it provides closure for both parties. It clarifies that you are no longer waiting for a response and are moving on, which can free you from wasting further time and resources.
  2. Creating urgency – it creates a sense of urgency. By suggesting that you are terminating the engagement process, it often prompts the prospect to reconsider and reach out if they were simply procrastinating.
  3. Reclaiming power – it puts you back in control of the situation. Instead of waiting passively, you are taking an active step to resolve the ambiguity, which can be empowering.
  4. Professionalism and respect – it demonstrates professionalism. It shows that you respect both your time and the prospect’s by not dragging out an unresponsive situation indefinitely.
  5. Filtering serious prospects – it helps filter out non-serious prospects (suspects and/ or time wasters). By setting clear boundaries, you can focus your efforts on those who are genuinely interested in your product or service.
  6. Psychological effect – it can have a psychological impact on the prospect. The finality of a “divorce” can make them realise the value they might be losing, potentially prompting them to re-engage.
  7. Opportunity to reconnect – it provides an opportunity for reconnection. Sometimes prospects get busy or forget. A strong, decisive email can jog their memory and lead to a renewed discussion.
  8. Demonstrating confidence – it demonstrates confidence in your offering. By being willing to walk away, you show that you believe in the value of what you provide and that you are not desperate for their business.

Tips for writing the “We need a divorce” email.

  1. Be polite but firm: maintain a professional tone while being clear that you are ending the pursuit.
  2. Express regret: acknowledge that you would have liked to work together but understand if they are not interested.
  3. Leave the door open: allow for the possibility of future engagement if their circumstances change.
  4. Short and concise: keep the email brief and to the point.

This approach ensures professionalism while making it clear that you are moving on, which can be beneficial for both parties.

I have found this to be fantastic.  By clearing out the time wasters, it frees up time, energy and focus and gives you a realistic view of your actual pipeline, not an artificially inflated one.

Try it and let me know how you get on.

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