The rise and fall of the accidental manager

The rise and fall of the accidental manager.

We have all come across them, or even created them. Managers that are promoted to a level where they become less competent because they don’t have the necessary skills and experience.

The impact is huge.

You create an accidental manager that isn’t fully capable, which in turn disengages your team leading to poor staff retention and poor financial results and poor service levels.

Fast forward a few months and things cannot continue so you have a tough decision to make – continue in the hope they turn things round or cut your losses and exit them.

Here, I am In discussion with Michelle Mook of Pro Development where we delve into what defines an accidental manager and we examine why organisations continue to promote individuals despite the known risks.

This discussion sheds light on the common practice of thinking leadership training isn’t needed until it is too late, and explores its implications for the business, the accidental manager and their teams.

With the correct succession planning and appraisal processes in place, not only can you avoid this common practice, you can turn these hires into the shining stars you want them to be when you promote them.

Tune in to uncover the key strategies for fostering strong leadership, optimising workplace culture, and driving organisational success.

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