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Lessons in Love
Lessons in Love. No, this blog is not about a Level 42 song (for those of an age that can remember), it’s about what Valentine’s Day can teach businesses. Let me start by saying that I don’t really do Valentine’s Day, I find it all a bit too commercial, choosing instead to show love 52 weeks […]
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How many brilliant jerks do you know?
How many brilliant jerks do you know? On a recent trip to the US, I visited Ground Zero, an area made iconic due to the events in September 2001. It is a breath-taking and tranquil place; an emotional reminder of how quickly things can change. We all know that change is the only constant, but […]
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Are you planning to fail (in 2016)?
Are you planning to fail? Starting your own business may seem like an easy option. You get to be the boss, decide what kind of work you do, the clients you work with, dictate your own hours and have holidays whenever you want. Or do you? Once you actually start to run a business you […]
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Running your own business and risking it all
Running your own business and risking it all. Many people will tell you that running your own business is a gamble, and they’re absolutely right. So how do you know that your gamble is a clever one and one that will pay out in time? What pay out will it give if successful and when? […]
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Get out of your comfort zone – 100 storeys up
Get out of your comfort zone – 100 storeys up. What’s the parallel between hanging off a skyscraper 1,100 feet in the air and running a business? It’s something I thought about while dangling over the Las Vegas strip recently off the edge of the tallest freestanding observation tower in the US – The Stratosphere. […]
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Who holds you accountable?
Who holds you accountable? Did you ever play on Scalextric as a child? Maybe you play it with your kids or grandkids now. There’s a lot of skill involved, getting the cars to just the right speed so they don’t fly off the track. It’s fun, and it can take a lot of concentration. Here’s […]
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Building walls to protect your business
Building walls to protect your business… I recently visited the beautiful Medieval city of Tallinn in Estonia. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site, contains lots of beautiful architecture (as you’d expect) and has some rather quirky claims to fame, such as being home to Skype and Europe’s longest-serving pharmacy (see my other blog on running […]
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Happy Birthday Tendo! What the last five years have taught me.
Happy Birthday Tendo! What the last five years have taught me. If Tendo had just started school… Tendo is five years old this month and I’m delighted we’ve reached this point. The reality is, over 50% of SME businesses do not reach this age. I’ve learned a lot since starting the business in 2010 and […]
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Time bandits and how to conquer them
Time bandits and how to conquer them. On a recent city break to Tallinn in Estonia I admired the city’s oldest clock, which is set into the wall of a 13th century church. It was added in 1433, around a century after building of the church started and is said to be one of the […]
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