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Why you need to value your experience
Hi everybody. I just want to reflect on a comment that a potential client shared with me last week and discuss the value of experience. They said, ‘You know what, you’ve just spent just over half an hour with me and you’ve really been able to hone into exactly what’s holding me back. Like, how […]
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Why you shouldn’t stop listening to your customers
Stop listening to your customers at your peril. I want to tell you two quick stories in complete contrast, in contradiction of each other. I had a bad customer experience yesterday from somebody that I spend money with. They are a service provider. I won’t go into too much detail because I wouldn’t want to […]
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Why you should follow your passion
Hi there, good morning. Gary King business mentor here, helping business owners have the freedom to choose how, when and where they work. So this is a story that I want to share with you this morning about really following your passion and your dreams, because I see so many business owners that are just […]
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Why you need to have the legals sorted
Hi, my name is Gary King business mentor, discussing why you shouldn’t skip the legals. If I rewind to the beginning when I started out in business, I’m like many other small business owners. I couldn’t afford or justify why I need to spend hundreds of pounds on putting in contracts for clients. I just […]
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Why you need laser like focus
Today I want to chat to you about why you need laser like focus. Many small business owners that are looking to get to the next level are often seduced by the next ‘get rich quick’ opportunity. You know the one. The latest fad that somebody else perceivably got rich on, or something that they’ve […]
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Why you need a team to get more time
I’m not sure about you but I’ve really, really enjoyed the recent Bank Holiday. It’s the fourth Bank Holiday we’ve had in a couple of months and I’m just loving these long weekends. Other than taking five minutes out to respond to an urgent email, I didn’t do one single work-related task. I hear so […]
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Is £199 the price of the world’s most expensive cup of coffee?
I am regularly asked whether I practice what I preach. I can tell you the answer is categorically yes. The other question I’m asked (when running three businesses) is how on earth I get done everything I need to without working 70+ hours a week. It’s simple – I don’t have any dead time in […]
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Why sometimes you need to be selfish
Hey everybody, Gary King, business mentor here. Say no to teamwork and be selfish. I’ve been working with a senior leader of a fast-growing business today and he has been struggling to hit his targets on a regular basis. The business owner is becoming increasingly frustrated that he has not been focused on the tasks […]
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Why small habits mean big results
Hi everybody, Gary King business mentor here. Small habits make big change. It’s a couple of minutes short of 7am. I’ve done an hour in the gym already. And look, this is not about you need to get up at 5am and smash it at the gym and drink avocado juice all day, none of […]
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