About Tendo
If you’re looking for a pat on the back and someone to tell you what a great job you’re doing, you’re in the wrong place. But if you’re open to some straight talking and are prepared to take action, then Tendo can help you build the business you want.Meet Gary King
Tendo was founded in 2010 by Gary King. After working his way up through the corporate world, performing at MD level with global organisations, Gary realised he wasn’t creating the lifestyle he wanted. He decided to make a change.
He saw that so many SMEs were failing to survive, and he made it his mission to use his skills and expertise to address this head on. As a result, Tendo was born.
Gary has since built three successful businesses and mentored hundreds of small business owners. He is also Director of The Association of Business Mentors (ABM), raising the standards of business coaching and mentoring through his role as Director and his position on the exec team.
Gary’s story is the inspiration behind the Tendo purpose – to give business owners the freedom to choose.
Read Gary’s story in fullWho are Tendo?
Tendo are a team of straight-talking Yorkshire folk with a wealth of business experience. Not just experience working in a business, but experience in building profitable businesses from scratch.
We know first-hand what it’s like to feel trapped. Working endless hours, missing out on family time, spending holidays answering emails, going without a wage, and wondering when all the effort will pay off. We know because we’ve been there.
But we found a way out – we got un-trapped. And now we help other business owners get un-trapped too.
What Tendo does
We aren’t just a bunch of self-proclaimed business gurus who learnt coaching techniques from a textbook. We’re experienced in starting, building and growing successful businesses – we’ve been there and done it ourselves.
We don’t believe in a cookie cutter approach or that one size fits all, but we do believe that you need a plan. If you don’t know what you’re working towards, how on earth will you get there?
So that’s where we start. By helping you figure out what you want your lifestyle and your business to look like. Once we’ve done that, we can help you make it a reality.
Is Tendo right for you?
At Tendo, our support is tailored to you with the aim of helping you achieve your goals, however unattainable they might feel right now.
But you need to be prepared to listen, and most importantly, take action. Getting where you want to be will probably involve some hard work, difficult conversations and tough decisions – if it was easy, you’d already be there.
Gary’s no-nonsense style isn’t right for everyone – sometimes our advice might not be what you want to hear, especially if you like to bury your head in the sand. So if you prefer a soft and gentle approach, then we might not be what you’re after. But if you want results, let’s talk.
How to get started
If you’re looking for support from someone who has ‘been there, done that’, then you’re in the right place.
The first step to getting your business on track is understanding which areas need work – sales, marketing, finance, operations or team.
To help you do this, we’ve created a very simple business diagnostic. It takes just five minutes to complete and is absolutely free. And it means that when we speak, we can focus on the right things, rather than give generic, irrelevant advice.
So switch your phone to silent, mute your emails and let’s find out how you can start building your dream business and having more time, more money and more choice.
Take our free Business Trap Diagnostic, or, if you prefer, book a free 30 minute Kickstart Call.
Feeling trapped by your business?
Book a Discovery CallDiscovery Call
Discuss the current challenges in your business preventing your growth. Let’s understand where you’re stuck and get you on the path to success.
Access some of the tools we use to help our clients improve productivity, generate more leads and increase revenue.
Is your business stuck in a rut? Do you feel trapped, frustrated, or just fed up? If your business isn’t giving you the money or the lifestyle you want, our free, five-minute Business Trap Diagnostic will help you figure out exactly where to start.