The importance of taking action and consistency

The importance of taking action and consistency

Starting and running a small business is a journey filled with challenges and opportunities.  It certainly isn’t the walk in the park that some consider it will be.

Achieving sustainable success hinges on two crucial principles: taking action and maintaining consistency.

At 06:30 this morning, I was in the gym for a check in with my PT.  A review of my training, my sleep, water intake and nutrition over the last week.  He took photos, I was weighed and he got the dreaded callipers out!

I am on track because I hit the gym even when I can’t be bothered and I resist poor food and drink choices, even when the temptation and peer pressure is high.

It’s the same in business. Here’s why taking action and consistency are essential:

Taking action

Turning ideas into reality: Great ideas are the seeds of a successful business, but without action, they remain mere thoughts.  Implementing these ideas transforms them into tangible products or services that can attract customers.

Building momentum: Every step taken, no matter how small, moves the business forward.  Action creates a sense of progress and builds momentum, making it easier to tackle larger tasks.

Learning and adapting: Through action, business owners learn what works and what doesn’t.  This practical experience is invaluable, providing insights that can only be gained by doing.  It allows for quick adjustments and improvements to stay on track.

Seizing opportunities: The business landscape is dynamic, and opportunities often arise unexpectedly. Taking prompt action enables business owners to capitalise on these opportunities before they disappear.

Overcoming fear: Fear of failure or making mistakes can be paralysing.  Taking action, even in the face of uncertainty, builds confidence and reduces anxiety over time.


Building trust and credibility: Consistency in delivering quality products or services helps build a strong and trusted brand.  Customers are more likely to return and recommend the business to others when they know they can rely on it.

Strengthening customer relationships: Regular, consistent communication with customers fosters stronger relationships.  Whether through social media, newsletters (like this one), or follow-up emails, staying in touch keeps the business top-of-mind.

Creating habits: Consistent action forms positive habits.  These habits become the backbone of the business’s operations, leading to more efficient and effective workflows.

Measuring progress: Consistency provides a clear picture of what strategies are working and not working. Regular analysis of consistent efforts makes it easier to track progress and make decisions based on financial indicators.

Achieving long-term goals: While short-term wins are exciting (and often more attractive for the buzz), long-term success is built on the foundation of consistent effort. Regularly working towards goals and a vision, ensures steady progress and eventual achievement.

In summary

For small business owners, the road to success is paved with taking action and consistency.  Taking decisive steps brings ideas to life, while maintaining consistent efforts builds trust, strengthens relationships, and ensures sustained progress.

A good business plan will tell you what actions to take (across sales, marketing, operations, finance and team) when to take these actions (short, medium and long term) and how to measure the success of these actions by tracking your progress and consistency.

By embracing these principles, small business owners can navigate challenges and steadily work towards achieving their long-term goals.

The results are there to be had.

What is stopping you from taking action?  What is stopping you from being consistent?

Want to discuss? Book a free 30 minute Discovery Call.

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