I’m Gary, Business Mentor, Speaker & Chief Freedom Fighter

I’m Gary, Business Mentor, Speaker & Chief Freedom Fighter

I’ve helped over 1,000 frustrated business owners just like you to stop dithering & take the vital next steps to gaining greater focus, clarity & results. I can help you too. At the heart of everything I do at Tendo, is a desire for business owners to live the life they dreamed of when they first started out, to help them build the right business and see the rewards they desire.

Ready to take action?

More time, more money, more choice.
Run the business you dreamed of instead of letting your business run you.

Starting a business is simple. Building it into a business that gives you the money and the lifestyle you want is a bit more of a challenge. It can be easy to lose momentum, come to a standstill or head off in the wrong direction.

You might feel like you’re constantly busy but never seem to achieve growth. Maybe you’re too busy managing the day to day stuff to focus on your long-term plans. Perhaps you want to start seeing a significant increase in turnover rather than a modest one each year.

The first step is identifying exactly what is going wrong so you can start putting it right. And that’s exactly why we designed our Business Trap Diagnostic. It’s absolutely free, takes five minutes of your time, and will allow you to see which areas of your business need work.

After you’ve completed your diagnostic, we’ll arrange a call to discuss the results in detail so you can start getting your business back on track.

Take the Business Trap Diagnostic

How can we help?

Discovery Call

Discuss the current challenges in your business preventing your growth or the results of your Business Trap Diagnostic. Let’s understand where you’re stuck and get you on the path to success.

Discovery Call


Access some of the tools Tendo uses to help our clients improve productivity, generate more leads and increase revenue.

View Resources

Sounding Board call

A focused, one-hour sounding board session where we review your challenges and agree what actions you will take to tackle them.

Sounding Board


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